Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Monday, September 8, 2008

Star Wars Stuff

Matt's parents went to Wal-Mart just before we got into town Friday night in Texas and he found this Storm Trooper helmet and a Star Wars Power Wheel four wheeler. We've been looking at the power wheels for a while, but couldn't make up our minds of which one to get.

Emily wouldn't put the helmet on for about a day. Finally the next day she picked it up and put it on her head. You'll have to turn the volume up to hear her jabbering under the helmet.

This is the Star Wars four wheeler. She's still trying to figure out that you have to hold the button down all the way to go. She was pretty sleepy so she doesn't act to excited about it.

1 comment:

The Whites said...

hope she doesn't get wiplash ;)