Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Monday, September 29, 2008

I TWO!!!

I can't believe that Emily is two today. We had a really good day. I made cupcakes for Emily's class at daycare and we went up there around two today to have a little party for her. Her teachers got her a cute little shirt and some Elmo balloons. All of the kids seemed to like the cupcakes I made. They gobbled them up fast. Emily only ate the icing and sprinkles on hers. After the party we went to Wal-Mart, Target, and Toys 'R Us. Oh, we also went to the mall after that and took Emily to eat at El Chico. She also got to ride a little carousel outside the restaurant and played at the little kiddie place they have at the mall. While we were at the mall I got Emily to say 'I'm Two'. She sounds so cute saying it. I got her to say it some more once we got home.

I'll try to post some pictures of her party tomorrow for everyone who wasn't able to come. We still have one more birthday celebration tomorrow, Matt's 29th birthday!!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Tucking Elmo In

I caught Emily tucking Elmo in her bed last week. She was even nice to let Elmo have her binky. If only we could get rid of that thing.

Matt told me today after he dropped off Emily at daycare that her teacher said she went potty twice last week in the big toilet. Yay!! I've tried at home, but I guess I am not timing it right because she doesn't do anything when she sits on the potty. When I ask her if she needs to potty she starts pulling her pants down and rips off her diaper. At least she has that part down. She seems so much bigger and older now that she's in the two year old class.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Elmo Hat

Last winter I bought this Elmo hat at Toy 'R Us on clearance. I found it in her closet the other day and she wanted to put it on. She is starting to say a lot more words now. She is also starting to sing the ABC's but will only go to about D or E and then gets quiet and then starts rambling other letters in there. She's also been counting a lot. She just moved up to the two year old class yesterday after being transitioned to the new class last week. They do a lot more stuff in there and they also work on potty training. So, hopefully she'll be more interested in it than before since they have potty breaks all the time. Plus she sees all of the other kids around her age sitting on the potty. I can't believe in less than two weeks we will officially have a two year old.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Baby Kaci

This weekend, Emily was really attached to her baby doll named Kaci. I think it's pretty funny that her baby has the same name as my sister. Anyway, Emily wanted to color in the living room and so I got out a little tray for her to color on and she went and got her baby and set her up next to her in the little carrier. She kept handing the baby crayons to color with. I was just hoping she wasn't actually coloring on her baby.

Here she climbed up in her rocking chair and started to feed her baby. She is such a little mommy. She'll be a big helper when the time comes for a sibling.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

The Big Duel

Matt's dad got Emily a little purple light saber last week when we visited them. Later that night, when we got back home, Emily kept slugging us with it. She's pretty brutal and so Matt went and got his other light sabers that light up so we could defend ourselves.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Trip to Texas

What a weekend! We went to visit Matt's parents in Texas this past weekend. Mark's birthday was Thursday and so we went down to visit. Saturday was a busy day. First, Emily and I went with Selina to a nearby park for her work. They were having some sort of walk-a-thon and there were other companies with tents out there. After that we went to a mall in Sherman and then the guys called around lunchtime to see where we were at. They went out on their own to go to 'guy places'. Mostly Best Buy and other electronic places. We ended up meeting back together and drove to Frisco, Tx which is about a 45 minute drive. We have always wanted to go to IKEA and they have one there in Frisco. IKEA is huge. It's mostly modern and streamlined furnishings and storage items that are pretty cheap. I think they are based out of Sweden. We found the kids section and Emily had fun playing on some of the toys. After we spent a little over in hour their we ended up going to the mall. I think we ate lunch before we went to IKEA and Emily passed out in the car. She wouldn't even wake up when we were in the restaurant for lunch.


After we went to IKEA we went to this really nice huge mall. This is the same mall that we went to last year and Emily rode the carousel for the first time. This time she really loved it and didn't want to get off when the ride was over. Needless to say, she rode it a couple of times.

She has the Miss America wave down pretty good. Especially when she was riding the horse. This video isn't the greatest, but everytime she would come around to where we were she would get so excited and start to wave.

Ice Cream

After riding the carousel a few times we were all hungry for some ice cream. Emily had a bite of everyone's ice cream but she had her eyes on mine. I think it was because my cone was dipped in chocolate with sprinkles at the top of it.

Pops came back over and Emily started to feed the rest of her ice cream to him.

Star Wars Stuff

Matt's parents went to Wal-Mart just before we got into town Friday night in Texas and he found this Storm Trooper helmet and a Star Wars Power Wheel four wheeler. We've been looking at the power wheels for a while, but couldn't make up our minds of which one to get.

Emily wouldn't put the helmet on for about a day. Finally the next day she picked it up and put it on her head. You'll have to turn the volume up to hear her jabbering under the helmet.

This is the Star Wars four wheeler. She's still trying to figure out that you have to hold the button down all the way to go. She was pretty sleepy so she doesn't act to excited about it.