Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Monday, February 11, 2008

An Affair of the Heart

Saturday, Emily and I went to a craft fair called 'An Affair of the Heart.' I wasn't sure about taking her by myself because she has been a little toot the past few times I've gone to the grocery store or somewhere else with her. But, she did really good considering there were so many people there and lots of women pushing their babies in strollers. At one point, there was a lady pushing her kid the opposite way of us and when Emily and the other little girl went by each other they were trying to share their snacks with each other. It was pretty cute. The fair had lots and lots of really neat stuff. They even had quite a few baby boutique booths. I told myself that I had to buy something for coming all the way out to it. So, I ended up buying this really cute tank top and bow for Emily that says 'Wild Thing'. The bow is pink and zebra print. They even had some shorts that went with it and they sewed a black boa around the leg wholes. Once I got up closer to the shorts I realized that we had the exact same shorts. I got them at Old Navy last summer that went with a onesie that said Daddy's Girl. I'm sure they are really small now.
I think I'll buy some jean shorts for the summer and dress them up to match the tank top.

I didn't think I would know anyone when I was there. Then all of the sudden I heard someone say my name and I turned around to see my old boss, Dale, from Hobby Lobby in Stillwater. I was shocked to see him and then I remembered that him and his wife created a photography business and they had a booth there. He couldn't get over that I have a kid now. He told me he would like to take pictures of Emily because they are trying to build their business with weddings and different portraits besides sports. I think I will have him take some pictures of her once the weather starts getting warmer and the flowers start blooming. I would love to get some nice pictures of her in her Easter dress. It would be nice to go back to Stillwater and have him take some pictures at Theta Pond and some of the older buildings on Campus at OSU. Anyways, I thought it was neat that I ran into him out of all the people that were there.

Here is a video of her in the outfit. I couldn't get a good picture of her wearing it because she would not stay still. She was getting a little fussy at the end.

1 comment:

The Brack's said...

SO cute! I wish I didn't have to work and could have gone!