Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Emily the Designer

Last week at school Emily got to make her own 4th of July shirt. She placed the stamps where she wanted and her hand print on the shirt was supposed to be the flag. LOL
She was so proud of it.

I also painted her toenails blue. Very patriotic. She kept saying they looked like my sister Kaci's nails. She usually paints them blue or some cute design on them.

Jessie the Cowgirl Doll

This is a little late, but last month we took Emily to see Toy Story 3. She was sooo excited about it and her favorite character is Jessie the Cowgirl. She has about 3 different one's, but this one actually has a pull-sting on the back and says different phrases. Here she is posing with her new Jessie doll.