Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Sunday, April 26, 2009

More Fun with Mimi & Papa

Matt and I both had to work Saturday and so my parents came up to stay with Emily. They had so much fun and poor Emmy was devastated when they had to leave. She cried so hard. I havn't seen her cry that much in a while. It was probably because my dad had some hard creamsaver candies in his pocket that E kept wanting. She had one and has hooked on them.

I got Emily a new toy organizer at Target that has bins for all the small toys, they would get lost in the toy box with the big toys. I put all of her sunglasses in one of the bins and she went and grabbed them all and was putting them on herself and my mom.

TaaDaaa. That's her new thing now. Notice she has on her play high heeled shoes.

She's all about putting keys in the keyhole on doors.

Stopped to smell the roses.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

New Music Player

I added some music to my blog. It's just random songs that I like. Just scroll all the way down to the player and click on the pause button to stop the music when you want to watch a video.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Lazytown Dance

Emily has a new show that she loves to watch. It's called Lazytown. After it's over she always says 'again'. She would watch it 24/7 if she could. One day when I went to pick her up from daycare, they were watching this show in her class and were doing some dance at the end of the show. I asked them what it was and I finally found it on tv one day. So, we've been recording it on our dvr everday. Yesterday, she was watching it in our bedroom. She loves to jump on our bed and I did make the bed that morning. The little stinker pulled the sheets back and threw the pillows off the bed. Here are a few pictures of her in between the jumping and dancing.

Here is a link to a video of some of the songs on the show.

Monday, April 13, 2009

More Easter Fun

We went to Tulsa this past weekend for Easter. After church we went to my aunt and uncle's house. Emily got lots of candy in her basket from the Easter bunny and a lot of little toys. Here is a puzzle that she got. Aunt Kaci and Mimi were helping her put it together.

Just goofin' around here.

More puzzle time.

Some cuddling time with Aunt Kaci.

Family picture.

Kaci wanted in the picture too.

Mimi, Papa, and Emily

Saturday, April 11, 2009


Yesterday, I made some sugar cookies and put icing and Easter sprinkles on them. I let Emily eat some before we had to leave for her thing at daycare. That little stinker only ate the icing and sprinkles off of the cookie.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Spring Sing

Today was Emily's Spring Sing at her daycare. Since we've been on vacation all week she hasn't been there to practice the moves with the songs they are singing. They sent home a list of the songs, with the words a few weeks ago, and I've been practicing them with her this week. She would sit still for a few seconds and do it but would then get distracted and go somewhere else. Here is how it went tonight....

(She's in the bunny ears. She had them on in the car and her teachers just left them on.)

I thought that there would be at least a few that would do the moves or sing. Oh no. Not one did anything but stand there. Emily did see Matt and kept waving at him and then saw me later after they were done. I think the three year olds just stood there too on their songs. I'm really glad the daycare does little events like this. It's really fun to see what all of the kids are doing.

Trip to the Zoo

Yesterday we went to the OKC Zoo with Jessi, Chris, and Mckayla. We had so much fun even with the wind blowing us around. This picture is of Emily getting ready for the zoo. She is such a girlie girl. You can't see it, but her shirt says 'I am a Glamour Girl'.

This bear was laying on the ground with it's foot on the glass. Emily kept trying to touch it and give the bear a high five.
Mckayla was trying to reach out to give someome a high five.

The zoo had a dinosaur exhibit which was pretty cool. Some of the dinosaurs were animatronic.

We had a lot of fun and Emily really enjoyed seeing all of the animals. She kept wanting us to take her out of the stroller so she could see better, which got annoying after a while because she wouldn't go back in it. At one point she got scared of a small statue of a tiger. I was going to have her sit on it and take a picture and then all of a sudden she started crying. I thought maybe it was too hot, but it wasn't. She wouldn't go by it and started saying "no mommy" when I got close to it. The real ones didn't scare her at all.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Early Easter Fun

We spent this past weekend in Texas to visit Matt's parents. Since Easter is next weekend we decided to celebrate it a little early. This is Emily's Easter dress. It is purple this year and we got it at Cracker Barrel of all places. We went there yesterday for breakfast, after church, and all the workers kept coming over to look at Emily in her dress. They even went to get the manager of the gift shop. I tried to get some cute pictures of her in the dress once we got back to the house. Of course, she wouldn't cooperate and just wanted to get out of it. We handed her this little Easter chick to get her to stay still. It worked for a few seconds.

We decorated Easter eggs yesterday afternoon. It's not one of the best things to do with a two year old. She wasn't very careful with the paints and was sloshing the colored water everywhere, but she did have lots of fun.

Here are the finished eggs.

The Good ole Days

When we were at Matt's parents house, Selina pulled out this picture of Matt and I during high school. I think this was either at our sophomore or junior year homecoming. I remember going to pick out this dress at Dillard's, or some department store. It has sequins all over it and I remember feeling so grown up. I think we were probably 16 or 17 years old. This was our first real dance that we went to together. Who ever thought we would still be together after all these years with a kid now. My, time sure does fly.