Sunday, April 26, 2009
More Fun with Mimi & Papa
I got Emily a new toy organizer at Target that has bins for all the small toys, they would get lost in the toy box with the big toys. I put all of her sunglasses in one of the bins and she went and grabbed them all and was putting them on herself and my mom.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
New Music Player
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Lazytown Dance
Monday, April 13, 2009
More Easter Fun
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Friday, April 10, 2009
Spring Sing
Today was Emily's Spring Sing at her daycare. Since we've been on vacation all week she hasn't been there to practice the moves with the songs they are singing. They sent home a list of the songs, with the words a few weeks ago, and I've been practicing them with her this week. She would sit still for a few seconds and do it but would then get distracted and go somewhere else. Here is how it went tonight....
(She's in the bunny ears. She had them on in the car and her teachers just left them on.)
I thought that there would be at least a few that would do the moves or sing. Oh no. Not one did anything but stand there. Emily did see Matt and kept waving at him and then saw me later after they were done. I think the three year olds just stood there too on their songs. I'm really glad the daycare does little events like this. It's really fun to see what all of the kids are doing.
Trip to the Zoo
This bear was laying on the ground with it's foot on the glass. Emily kept trying to touch it and give the bear a high five.
We had a lot of fun and Emily really enjoyed seeing all of the animals. She kept wanting us to take her out of the stroller so she could see better, which got annoying after a while because she wouldn't go back in it. At one point she got scared of a small statue of a tiger. I was going to have her sit on it and take a picture and then all of a sudden she started crying. I thought maybe it was too hot, but it wasn't. She wouldn't go by it and started saying "no mommy" when I got close to it. The real ones didn't scare her at all.